sales rep
- 销售代表;销售代表、推销员

I 'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company .
I used to be a sales rep and those day were very hard .
So ... why do you think you 'd make a good pharmaceutical sales rep ?
Sales Rep : I 'll be happy to give you a call back .
Assist sales rep in preparing and executing production plan .
The first sales rep successfully synchronizes the update to the central database .
One senior sales rep had cancer and her doctor told her she could die from it .
This might be the requestor 's boss , sales rep , etc.
She 's our best sales rep ?
By using this technique , the first sales rep in our example will successfully upload the change to the central server .
He quit his job as a pharmaceutical sales rep to launch his jet-pack company .
You answer an urgent telephone call to your supervisor from a sales rep who 's currently meeting with a potential client .
Eliza Dooley , our company 's best-performing sales rep ? Yeah .
A sales rep could look up someone he 's pitching to through Outlook and see their LinkedIn information while writing an email pitch .
The sales rep happened to be krickitt .
Marketing futures can be really good for enterprise software companies where the information is passed between sales rep and potential customer in terms of near-term roadmap .
That 's exactly what happened to a Hirsch overseas sales rep when he tried to gain access to the general manager of a particular prospect .
Ironically , putting yourself on your " best behavior " could stop you from being the great speaker , sales rep , singer or teacher you want to be .
In addition , the Sales Rep will ensure that all customer issues relating to customer service , service recovery and credit control are coordinated and managed through the relevant DHL departments .
One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits , and Marshall , a sales rep , was making the rounds , joking and teasing us all .
Stoehr 's interest in technology began when a Verizon sales rep , who sold a smartphone to her 85-year-old son , befriended her .
When the next sales rep goes to synchronize the update to the main database , a conflict occurs because the current state of the row is different from what the synchronization engine was expecting .
Day in and day out , it 's the small things that kill our spirit : The sales rep who empties his cold coffee and leaves the splatters all over the sink .
The sales rep then went on to respond to questions I asked about the Sienna by looking at my husband and talking to him , until my husband told him to talk to me .
In the early 2000s , the habit led him to put sales rep Joe Santamorena in charge of the New York office 's rapidly expanding financial salesforce , even though his immediate bosses argued against the appointment .
Making the decision to offload this part of GE would be laden with personal overtones for Mr Immelt : he first met his wife while working as a plastics sales rep , and both he and Mr Welch cut their managerial teeth in the unit .
Many one-time sales , since the rep never really understood why the customer bought in the first place .